We protect your customers and their data, purchases, personal account information, uploaded data or files. Data is secure at all times. We provide protection against security breaches, customers’ personal and financial information exposure.
Laser-focused on website security and service disruption control. We provide guaranteed reliability, automated security updates, backup data protection, SSL and 24/7 malware protection.
We guard your website against security breaches that redirect visitors to another website. Malicious redirects could either redirect users to cloned websites with the purpose of stealing personal, financial information and malware infection.
Web security increases purchase from you, newsletter follow-up, social media account following. We will create a website that helps your visitors to trust you and enables you to build strong relationships with them.
Be perceived as trustworthy, customer-oriented...a provider of high-quality products or services. Protect Yourself from unrecoverable damage. Your investment in website security and hacker security breach, protects your reputation and brand image.
If your website becomes unavailable, you lose website traffic and potential customers. If you fail to safeguard your payments system against credit card fraud, resulting in refund requests and customers will simply prefer to do business with your competitors.
If the security of your website is compromised you risk getting blacklisted or quarantined by Google, warning your visitors that your website is unsafe, advising them not to visit it.
Staying competitive and improve business performance, helping you stand out and attract more customers. If everyone in your niche maintains the same high security standards, your security needs to be on par with others.
Prevention is always cheaper and more efficient than damage control. We identify a security breach immediately to manage an appropriate plan of attack and robust fire prevention system in place.

We are Your Shield

Every Day and All the Time

Threat Protection

While cyber criminals always pose a threat to businesses you can decrease the odds of this happening to you by putting proactive measures in place to secure your online presence. Online security for your website is important. Lessen your vulnerabilities by taking a proactive approach to securing your company today.

Today, most people depend on websites for the various products and services they use on a daily basis. Customers may provide you with their names, credit card information, dates of birth and even their full social security numbers. This represents a goldmine for hackers with ill intentions who may want to steal this sensitive information. Do not give criminals this opportunity. Protect their information, encrypt it before it is sent anywhere and take internal measures so that your employees understand the importance of safeguarding this private information.

Securing your website is also a matter of protecting your physical equipment as well. This is because not only can hackers steal your customer’s information but they can install viruses on your website that could impact your physical machines. As a business owner you recognize the investment that it takes to secure expensive equipment for running your business. Now imagine the high costs of having viruses that cripple your systems and then having to hire someone to remove the viruses from your machines or even worse having to replace them altogether because the damage is irreversible.

Securing your website is also crucial for the longevity of your business because a hack could impact your reputation. There could be no worse feeling than having negative publicity in the press due to a major security breach on your website. Today, there is no shortage of news coverage on corporate websites that get hacked all of the time and such negative publicity only hampers a brand’s growth. Avoid this situation by protecting your website so that the public continues to view you as a trusted name in your industry.

many businesses create proprietary information, applications and systems that are not available for the general public. An uncanny hacker could see an unprotected website as a goldmine to infiltrate your company’s operations. This could cost you money if your trade secrets are exposed. Hackers could even damage the important information on your website resulting in you having to start from the ground up. This is why all companies should make backing up a website a priority. Even a website’s cloud services can be exposed to hacking. Therefore, prevent this from happening by properly securing your website.

A hack can also lead to massive amounts of downtime and loss of productivity. This translates into sales that you could be missing out on. Any business owner understands the importance of continuous sales to ensure the viability of your business. In short, unprotected websites threaten not only the security of the company, but its very existence since loss of too many sales could result in the business having to close its doors for good.

If you take the necessary steps to protect your website you can stay two steps ahead of the competition. This is because website security significantly lessens your risk of exposure while your competitors remain exposed to online threats. Websites get attacked all the time—make sure yours is not one of them.

Running a business is hard enough without the constant worry of a cyber-attack. While you may not be able to beat all the bad guys you can certainly deter them from attacking your company by putting protections in place that stop them in their tracks. Have peace of mind in knowing your website is properly secured and that you are putting added measures in place to protect what you have built. You should even go as far a putting a standard policy in place so that everyone in the organization understands just how essential website security is for the business.


Your Guardian

The security of your website is our top priority and Job One